Business Lifestyle

The Local Business Helpers

Starting your own business: it’s ambitious and courageous, but it’s also completely terrifying. There are so many factors that come into play: renting an office, hiring the right employees, figuring out an office vibe… the list is endless. But you also have to make sure everything works together to form one cohesive brand. What if […]

Contractors Home

A Truly Customized Home

Think of the phrase “fully customizable”. What’s the first feeling you have in relation to this phrase? Freedom? Stress? Skepticism? Well for me, it’s the all too familiar memory of betrayal. I remember having “fully customizable” dolls when I was a kid that came with maybe three outfit options, or “fully customizable” jackets whose only […]


Saving Your Marriage

Divorce: the only topic that can dampen the mood at just about any party. It’s not fun to talk about, and it’s certainly not fun to go through. But that’s why I’ve taken it upon myself to find an expert on the subject. A divorce mediator in Orange County, whom we will call Jill Harding […]