Here at HomeTechnics, we highlight businesses that make your home (or office) beautiful, functional, exceptional, and a place you want to be. However, time just doesn’t stop as soon as you’ve installed those beautiful wood cabinets or laid down new flooring. Time moves on, and so do bugs. At this time of year in Southern […]
Author: HouseHomeFamily
The Efficient Kitchen Remodel
Imagine having to remodel your whole kitchen before a major event. That was the exact situation we were in. Our existing kitchen had deteriorated and was outdated. Tiles were cracked, paint peeling from the walls and the cabinets were so old fashioned, you would have thought you were getting a drink from a bar in […]
Make Boring Backyards Beautiful
Beep! Beep! Beep! Sandy Sanders laid on the horn. She couldn’t be late again, or her boss would never let her hear the end of it. Of course, her boss was her mom. Her parents had started a home and family blog, called “Sander’s Home: when she was little, and she had recently begun writing […]
The Local Business Helpers
Starting your own business: it’s ambitious and courageous, but it’s also completely terrifying. There are so many factors that come into play: renting an office, hiring the right employees, figuring out an office vibe… the list is endless. But you also have to make sure everything works together to form one cohesive brand. What if […]
A Truly Customized Home
Think of the phrase “fully customizable”. What’s the first feeling you have in relation to this phrase? Freedom? Stress? Skepticism? Well for me, it’s the all too familiar memory of betrayal. I remember having “fully customizable” dolls when I was a kid that came with maybe three outfit options, or “fully customizable” jackets whose only […]
Stop Mowing Your Lawn
Does anyone really like to mow the lawn? Here at Hometechnics we are always looking for the best practices that will not only improve your home but also improve the happiness of those that live in it. Keep the man of the house smiling by removing a chore that takes up a Sunday. Save a […]
Saving Your Marriage
Divorce: the only topic that can dampen the mood at just about any party. It’s not fun to talk about, and it’s certainly not fun to go through. But that’s why I’ve taken it upon myself to find an expert on the subject. A divorce mediator in Orange County, whom we will call Jill Harding […]