When you’re first starting out a business, every single little cost can really add up on your fledgling ledger. While you’re dashing around trying to find new customers, every day the expenses pile up: new telephones, rent, payroll expended on training new employees; everything seems designed to sap away as much money from your new […]
Author: LifestyleReporting
Relocating Your Kitchen
A weird concept that we’ve been playing around with recently goes like this: what if you moved certain rooms in your house and made them completely outdoors? What would they look like, and how would you design them to best make use of the open space? It’s fun to think about, in a mind-bending way; […]
Saving Your Business With The Right Insurance
The idea of becoming an entrepreneur comes with a lot of misplaced glamour about what it is like to own your own business – setting your own hours, being your own boss, making way more money than you would as an employee – that usually reveals itself to be totally off-base almost immediately. Setting your […]
Updating Your Dream Property
“Another potential tenant decided to go with a unit across the street, Mary Anne.” “Another one?! What is going on?!” Mary Anne groaned as she set the phone down and rubbed her eyes. The third prospect in as many weeks had passed up her Encinitas beachfront condo, preferring to stay in another unit in the […]
Reconciling Lawns And The Environment
Photo by NoMow Turf – Look for home design design inspiration As the number and length of draughts increases and the price of water seeming to rise every year, many in Southern California are deciding to forego the usual natural lawn and switch over to artificial grass. There’s a number of reasons so many are […]